KYŌDAI® ROOTS: SOTA IKEDA(Koorosh Reihanian) / KYŌDAIルーツ:池田そうた(クルーシュ・レイハニアン)

KYŌDAI: Hi Sota can I have your full name?
SOTA: Actually I have Japanese name is Sota Ikeda and my Iranian name is Koorosh Reihanian.
KYŌDAI: As a person of mixed heritage, how do you see yourself within this landscape?
SOTA: When I was younger, first I was trying to like...put myself to one-side, like making Iran part or Japanese part of myself. But now I don’t really think I am part of only one but between both countries, and not pushing myself to be part of one and hope to be a bridge between the two.
KYŌDAI: How connected are you to Iranian traditions and culture now that you’re here in Japan?
SOTA: I guess music is the biggest part for me, where I can interact with Persian culture, because I play one of the main traditional instruments of Iran, which is the Santoor. Through that I am trying to teach people in Japan about the beauty and culture of Iran, and how amazing it is, because Iran has a long history and through that there has been so many cultures. I am trying to inform people about it through the music and make them interested a little bit about Iran and it’s culture.
KYŌDAI: What is next for you?
SOTA: I don’t have a specific job that I would like to do in the future, but I really want move to a country, where I can be a foreigner officially. I really want to get know people from different countries and cultures. I think that interacting with people who are not from the same culture and country can broaden your perspective and makes new values in yourself.